Materiálová analýza funerálnej liatiny z oblasti západného Spiša a jej vzťah ku Coburgovským železiarňam na Horehroní

Peter Roth, Jozef Petrík, Peter Blaško

Rozšírenie funerálnej liatiny na Slovensku je spojené s rozšírením odlievania z kuplových pecí a rozvojom železničnej siete. Liatinové náhrobky zo sledovanej oblasti západného Spiša, predovšetkým z priestoru Hranovnica – Spišské Bystré obyčajne pochádzajú zo železiarní z horehronskej oblasti – v Pohorelej alebo Hronci, výnimočne z Krompách. Čo sa týka mikroštruktúry, u náhrobníkov dominuje sivá liatina s obsahom síry a fosforu. Väčšina náhrobníkov bola odliata z kuplovej pece.

Material analysis of funerary cast iron from the area of western Spiš and its relation to the Coburg Ironworks in Horehronie

The spread of funerary cast iron in Slovakia is connected with using of cupola furnaces and the development of the railway network. Cast iron tombstones from the monitored area of western Spiš, especially from the area Hranovnica – Spišské Bystré usually come from ironworks in the „upper Hron“ area – in Pohorela or in Hronec, exceptionally from Krompachy. As for the microstructure, the tombstones are dominated by gray cast iron, containing sulfur and of phosphorus. Most tombstones were cast from a cupola furnace.

Odlievanie funerálnej liatiny v zlievarňach rodiny Coburgovcov

Petra Fečková, Ľubomír Mihok, Ján Weiss, Peter Roth

The paper presents results of chemical and metallographic analysis of funeral castings produced in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century in central Slovakia. The castings were collected from abandoned graves at cemeteries of villages in the upper Hron river region where the Coburg ironworks were the only producer of castings in that time. Analysed funeral castings consisted of grave crosses, grave fences and one casting situated on the grave plate